
I'm Maria Ursu

I am enthusiastic about learning and keeping myself-updated with the latest computing technologies. I am seeking an opportunity to further develop my skills and progress my career as a web developer.

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Got a Bacs in Informatics, romanian, located in Preston, UK

I enjoy coding, the past years been working in PHP, currently I am working remotly for Blue Bay Travel Ltd as a Web Developer. With a few years of experience diverse software for clients or side projects for my friends.

I always wanted to travel which lead to getting a Casino Dealer license to be able to travel on Europe cruise-ships. Since, traveling involved expensive time-costs, now, I put all my efforts in trying to keep up with the trends: from new technologies through best practices. I'm currently enrolled on freecodecamp.org my current goal is to get my Full Stack Certification in Web development(I own the Responsive Web Design Certification and the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification ^.^). I read with pleasure articles from medium.com and blog.google

Tools I used

Java, PHP/Laravel, Javascript/Vue.js, HTML, CSS/Boostrap, Moodle, Git

Related Work History

Blue Bay Travel (May 2021 - Present)
Colonel Duck (March 2020 - May 2021)
Diamond Consulting 2000 (August 2015 - March 2016)
Vortex Info (Dec 2012 - August 2015)

Check out my portfolio


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